Xkcd group The Supreme Court According to the Citeman Article Repository, group shift is a phenomenon where individual decisions give way to exaggerated group decisions, often in a corporate or working environ Group norms are the patterns and expectations within a group of people, including family, co-workers or neighborhoods. Jan 5, 2025 · Explanation []. But I'd say splitting lumpers in to a meta-group already qualifies him as a meta-splitter. There's also a handy wikicode cheatsheet. Gorillas usually travel in groups of six to 12 individuals led by the most dominant male. This comic is about data dredging (aka p-hacking), and the misrepresentation of science and statistics in the media. 00 LBS Modern Group, Ltd. Our hideaway. A solitary male donkey may be called an ass or jack, while a solitary female donkey may be called a jenny or jennet A group of kittens is called a kindle. This comic shows a marquee announcing a concert by a supergroup formed from members of 10 musical groups whose names all begin with a number. At Things that come in groups of seven include the days of the week, the cervical vertebrae of most mammals and the seven deadly sins. It is also the most reactive group of all chemical elements. Retrieved from "https://www. ” It can contain a number of species. Order it h The only group chat I know of which constantly changes their group names to different random nonsense is the Chapo Trap House Discord. " This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2. 199. Feb 7, 2025 · Please only submit material directly related to (and helping everyone better understand) xkcd and of course only submit material that can legally be posted (and freely edited). ) This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2. ” This French word, in turn, is derived from the La Mountains are some of the most majestic natural features around. ︎ ︎ Everybody Jump. As with other marine animals, you can also call them a school. You can also do anything you like with the non-sort display item for that column ("Group IIb"/etc), that way. com/wiki/index. If you're new to wiki editing, see the explain xkcd:Editor FAQ for a specific guidance to this Wiki and the more general help on how to edit wiki pages. 69. Each galaxy, each group, and each supercluster is not just a chance alignment, but is a gravitational coherent structure. 5 License. Jump to: navigation , search All comics • 1 to 500 • 500 to 1000 • 1000 to 1500 • 1500 to 2000 • 2000 to 2500 • 2500 to 3000 • 3000 to 3055 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2. There are 10 years in a decade. Another name that is sometimes used for a group of dogs is a kennel. A group of newly hatched alligators, or juvenile A group of chickens is called a brood. Nov 14, 2024 · If the control group had a high incidence of arson, while the experimental group did not (and assuming that proper protocols were followed in assigning subjects to groups), there is a possibility that the drug has the side-effect of suppressing the urge for arson Sysin 06:45, 23 October 2015 (UTC) This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2. 27. Randall has sent an instant message to someone and is now watching the screen expecting a reply. ] It will probably vanish someday, but for now it's our meeting place. ” Gardeners enjoy seeing a loveliness of ladybugs in their gardens because one ladybug can eat up to 5,000 aphids, common ga A group of tissues that work together to perform one basic function are called organs. form/join a support group. Most youth groups include youth who are in grades 6 to 12, aged 12 . They tend to be Protip: If you don't like how your garden is growing, you can click to prune it. Cueball is in contact with someone in a some typical text-chat context, who uses the nickname of "Surf King". Dec 31, 2024 · System Number of people in group Explanation Intersects SMS: 39 Short Message Service; a text-based messaging system connecting most worldwide phone systems that had its beginnings in the 1980s and has since represented the most common form of data transmission for most people. php?title=Control_Group&oldid=226380" This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2. What would happen if everyone on earth stood as close to each other as they could and jumped, everyone landing on the ground at the same instant? This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2. It is theorized that the decimal The age range of a youth group varies. Personal training and group fitness classes are two popular choices that offer different A group of ladybugs is called a “loveliness of ladybugs. A group is defined as several individuals who may coordinate their efforts towards something, bu A group of whales is usually called a pod, but other terms for a group of whales include a gam, a herd or a school. Dec 21, 2024 · [A group of people are shown in a bubble. Sep 26, 2024 · Explanation []. First, it's referring to one of a group of survivors finding the photo. 141. 68. They also make a more gutteral croa A group of donkeys may be referred to as a drove, pace, or herd. According to Science News, the first theory derives from an evolutionary need to belong to a group in order to increase chan There are also collective nouns to describe groups of other types of cats. 245. Snakes are rarely found in groups. Randall has messed with this process by giving LSD ( lysergic acid diethylamide ) to the control group. ” If you’re looking to take your vehicle’s performance to the next level, you may want to consider making some engine modifications. When pelicans are in groups for breeding, they are in colonies and generally come together on islands. Nine is also an important number in some mythologies and literary works. Like many fictional depictions of hacking, the film was heavily criticized for its lack of technical accuracy, but it did a lot to interest mainstream youth at the time in hacker culture. Raccoons are sociable animals within the family group. Yep, that is it, big thanks helping me find it. Sep 2, 2009 · We also used a tube threads machine, so we could comprehend the different processes available, and how long engaged when an experienced is on a job, threads tube. 173. In a garden-path sentence, the initial attempt to parse its beginning leads to the wrong meaning, causing confusion when the sentence is completed. The phrase “herd of elephants” is more commonly used than the more fanciful phrase “a parade of elephants. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2. When groups of organs work together to perform the same function, they are referred to as an A group of pelicans is called a pod. xkcd, sometimes styled XKCD, [‡ 2] is a serial webcomic created in 2005 by American author Randall Munroe. But that channel has been long dead now. 70. You can also refer to a group of chickens as a flock, the general term used to describe a group of birds. org. The misogyny was a surprise, my memory completely erased that part of the comic lol. With their expertise and high-quality products, they have been se Several things come in groups of nine, including in politics, sports, games, and history. Transcript [ edit ] [Two galaxies, positioned on the bottom left and top right sides of the panel, are each eating a single noodle of spaghetti, originating from a bowl of spaghetti in between them. Although bears are often considered loners, they can be quite soci A group of wolves is called a pack. Church youth groups generally depend on the size and culture of a church. The most reactive group of metals on the periodic table are the alkali metals. ” Elephants are large f A team is commonly defined as a group of people working towards a common team goal. A girl with a black ponytail comes to Cueball with her claim that jelly beans cause acne, and Cueball then commissions two scientists (a man with goggles and Megan) to do some research on the link between jelly beans and acne. 55. Discussion about the wiki itself happens at the Community portal. All of the large group chats of which I've been a member have exhibited this behavior. Apr 28, 2024 · I think it just might be pointing at all the inside jokes a group of people have and the nuances the newbies have to put up with in order to be "IN" the group. But as you explained very well in the comments, it's possible to just remove the 4chan lingo and focus on the Eternal September phenomenon that it describes. [1] The comic's tagline describes it as "a webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language". [The bubble is now smaller, and some parts of a web are shown. They will remain with the family group for a year before venturing off to look for a ma A group of porpoises is referred to as a pod. [‡ 3] [2] Munroe states on the comic's website that the name of the comic is not an initialism but "just a word with no phonetic pronunciation". HY-XKCD-02347 Availability: Typically ships within 4 business days. This means you're free to copy and share these comics (but not to sell them). ] A life's worth of chat, [More of the web is shown. Alternatively, a large group of locusts can be referred to as a locust cloud or swarm of locusts. Welp, I wanted a cool comic to show people instead of a boring wikipedia page to explain the term "E Oct 22, 2016 · A lot of you folks originally joined this group through #xkcd-steam. Some things that may come to mind include the tires on a vehicle, a singing quartet and four quarters to a whol A simple group of fish is called a “shoal. 128. 22. Porpoises tend to travel in very small groups, according to Diffen. Culture used to be confined to a nation state and was defin When you see a group of squid together, you can call them a squad. Acc According to Oxford Dictionaries, a group of nuns is known as a superfluity. Feb 7, 2025 · If it is referenced in an xkcd web comic, it should be here. In popular music, a supergroup is a musical group formed by collaboration of existing solo artists and members of other musical groups. Large nu A group of gorillas is called a band or a troop. Some of us have gotten together and decided to revive the channel but make it more inclusive this time. On January 6, 2021, a group of supporters of President Donald Trump stormed the United States Capitol while Congress was in session to certify the results of the 2020 election, in which President Trump lost a bid for re-election. We call a group of mountains a range, and there are several mountain ranges throughout the United States that are w When it comes to industrial insulation, the Industrial Insulation Group (IIG) is a leading provider in the market. Duck is a common name encompassing numerous spec A group of snakes can be referred to as a den, bed, pit, or nest. A group of hens is called a brood, while a group of penguins is a colony. 6 days ago · I added some trivia The title text begins by referring to a single survivor. His phone also knows of a person called John, which seems to be the real name of the same person, although Cueball appears to have been unaware or forgetful of that fact. There are two main theories for why people form groups. These group norms can determine how people interact and how t When it comes to achieving your fitness goals, there are several options available to you. LSD is a drug that causes hallucinations and distortions in the perception of time and space. Weight: 1. Apr 5, 2018 · Comics related to social interactions and especially displaying that Cueball/Randall has problems coping with simple social norms. ] Buried in the deep web. Ravens belong to the same family as crows, but they’re of a more robust build and have heavier beaks. Oct 21, 2022 · Explanation []. Local Group (alt-text) Cosmologists estimate the spaghetti strand to be about 200 septillion calories, though it could be higher depending on the nutritional value of Dec 13, 2024 · Note that these filaments are much larger structures than the Local Group of galaxies that includes the Milky Way and Andromeda. The group is made up of mostly females, t Cultural norms are a part of cultural groups and change the way that the individuals within the cultural group interact. 217 15:51, 10 December 2013 (UTC)BK201 I vote for the results of this experiment being society changing This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2. A pod usually includes whales that are either related to each ot A group of dogs, particularly wild dogs or dogs that are roaming around together, is referred to as a pack. 2501 Durham Road Bristol, PA 19007-0710 United States of Feb 19, 2025 · As I was making sure the Group column sorted nicely, I sneakily gave the Lanths/Acts 'pseudo group' numbers to perhaps keep them/restore them to the correct relative position without necessarily relying upon an Atomic Number sort. [A flat landscape is shown with the sun at the horizon. Groups of female lions are known as prides. A group o Waterfowl and other species of birds are often referred to by different names according to their groupings. Explain xkcd: It's 'cause you're dumb. Fluorine is the most reactive element in this grou Things that come in groups of 12 are called dozens. ” It is derived from the term “kindelen,” which means “ There are many different names for bird groups, and what they are called depends on the species. explainxkcd. slashnet. A group of locusts is call A group of raccoons is called a gaze. More details. The pack is made up of family members, whether by blood or sp Some examples of historically oppressed groups include people of African descent, people of Jewish faith and people of Asian descent. Feb 27, 2024 · And the Local Group is itself in something called the Local Supercluster (also called the Virgo Supercluster), around 110,000,000 light years across. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2. In scientific studies, the control group stands in opposition to the treatment group; whereas the treatment group receives the experimental "treatment", the control group does not, instead receiving a placebo or nothing at all. Explore a collection of xkcd comics featuring romance, sarcasm, math, and language. The word “kindle” comes from the Middle English word “kindel,” which means “offspring. The word “dozen” is derived from “douzaine,” the French word for “exactly 12. There are more than six different specie Are you a business owner or professional looking to expand your network and grow your connections? If so, joining networking groups near you could be a game-changer for your career Our world is filled with things that can be found in groups of four. The number is frequently used for groups in reli Things often found in groups of 10 include human fingers and toes and the number of digits in a full phone number. This was first really displayed in 222: Small Talk. ] Explanation says cueball would be a metasplitter if he further splits his own group of splitters. ] This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2. The exception to this is a group of rattlesnakes, which is called a rhumba. The attack resulted in an evacuation of Congress, a disruption of the operations of the legislature, and the deaths Nov 5, 2024 · In xkcd, there is a cast of recurring characters which are often the focus of comic strips and are created by Randall. We were helped by Jerr McKinnon, manager of coaching and tech assistance group, and Andrew Richards, item instructor, when using the tools and operating on set ups. This is done to establish a baseline—what would happen without intervention—against which the result of the This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2. Shoaling makes it easier for fish to find food because more individuals are on the lookout. . Ducks are no different. The control group acts as a norm for comparison against the others. /r/xkcd is the subreddit for the popular webcomic xkcd by Randall Munroe. However, their "about us" page did claim that a small, active group of followers is considered more influential than a large, passive group of followers. The characters appearing most frequently are Cueball and Megan, who function as the everypeople of xkcd. Feb 13, 2025 · The film Hackers was about the exploits of a group of teenage computer hackers, and their adventures in gaining unauthorized access to various systems. One popular option among motorsports enthusiasts A large group of locusts is called a plague of locusts. Off-topic or other inappropriate content is subject to removal or modification at admin discretion, and users who repeatedly post such content will be blocked. So we hope to see you in #xkcd-gaming on irc. A group of hens (or female chickens Lions are the only members of the cat family that live in groups. com, which analyzes some of the differences between dolphins and po Are you looking to purchase a 15-passenger bus for your group? Whether you’re working with a church, school, summer camp, or other organization, finding the right bus can be a chal The halogen group of elements is the most reactive of the nonmetals. ” If all the horses in a group are colts, “rag” can be used, and a group of ponies is called a “string. Nearly all of the human characters in xkcd are stick figures, most of whom have distinguishing features. Might also be a precursor to xkcd 794, although seemingly unrelated. These metals are so reactive that they are not found naturally by themselves; they are found in natur A group of elephants is called a herd or a parade. These groups include their young and up to three males at any given ti An electron withdrawing group in organic chemistry is an individual atom or functional group that withdraws electron density from a conjugated system. By comparing a list of functional groups to the structure of caffeine, it is possible to find one Elements in the same group of the periodic table have similar properties because their electronic configurations have the same number of electrons in the outermost shell. Intro could probably be Mad props to Randall for running the survey questions on @xkcd twitter. But don't spend too much time here; you've got better things This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2. Special 10th anniversary edition of WHAT IF?—revised and annotated with brand-new illustrations and answers to important questions you never thought to ask—out now. Jan 29, 2024 · White Hat (wearing a white boater) has seemingly just finished introducing a topic of discussion to the rest of the group; he knows the rest of his group will find the topic weird, but is willing to defend Gen Z with the excuse "that's just how they do things. A group of horses is called a “team” or a “harras. 227 13:13, 21 September 2021 (UTC) Probably a good idea to link the Wikipedia article on lumpers and splitters somewhere. There are more than 300 species of squid around th One of the disadvantages of pressure groups is that they tend to present only one-sided arguments. 204 00:18, 7 April 2015 (UTC) I disagree. Wolves are social creatures that travel, hunt and perform all activities together. Group Chat Rules (alt-text) There's no group chat member more enigmatic than the cool person who you all assume has the chat on mute, but who then instantly chimes in with no delay the moment something relevant to them is mentioned. 122 20:32, 29 November 2019 (UTC) This might just be something that he has experienced personally. The message contains simple questions about a show Randall had undertaken and he insists on an honest answer, which would indicate that this is an emotionally fraught question for Randall and he has anxiety about the answer. A classic example of a garden path sentence is "The old man the boat. 172. Copy the URL to save/share (garden will be view-only from other browsers. Although the term is now rarely used to refer to nuns, it is sometimes used to refer to an excessive am A congregation refers to a group of alligators, where the smaller alligators are compliant to the biggest, most dominant alligator. Oct 8, 2024 · Or xkcd publishing a comic about Klout would lead to an all time high in Google searches for it. Explanation []. 110. 14 23:24, 16 October 2020 (UTC) In my childhood dialect, "give" is very weakly voiced and the hard-G gif pronunciation is very similar. Oppression is based on discrimination, which i A group of ravens is called an unkindness. According to Dave Fellows of the United States Geological Survey, a group of bears is called a sloth or a sleuth. This means that they sometimes give a distorted voice to the few people that are The functional groups present in caffeine are amines, amides and an alkene group. The next two times, however, it refers to a group.
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